New Book

Here’s a link to the new book I wrote:

And here’s a link to a youtube video giving a look at the paperback, as well as some more insight into the book’s creation:

Thank you.

6 thoughts on “New Book”

    1. Yeah, let me see if I can figure out some sort of alternative. I was thinking of moving away from the Amazon exclusivity thing anyway. Do you read ebooks in general, and do you have a preferred venue, or one that you would recommend?


      1. I tend to read pdfs, hardly ever actual ebooks. You might want to check out Kobo ( for that, but there may be better options. If you want to self-publish print books, Lulu ( is a print on demand service that Luke Smith ( has had success with. I would buy your book through either of those services, or through Amazon if you decide not to do anything.


      2. Cool, thanks. I’ve looked into those but haven’t checked them out in a while. The Kindle exclusive thing has these start and end dates so I wouldn’t be able to put the book out elsewhere until April, but in the meantime I’ve set the Amazon page to do this promotional thing where the book will be free for the next few days. Check back in tomorrow and the digital version should be free. I don’t know for sure if it offers a pdf version, or if it gives Amazon any sort of money or anything. If that doesn’t work I’ll try and remember to reach out once the book is in other places.

        Anyway, thank you for reaching out. This has been something I’ve been thinking about and it’s good to get some input. The trap of Amazon is that it is so convenient, and it does have its incentives, but getting into B & N, Kobo, etc, might have its advantages too.


  1. Thanks, I was able to get it with a free trial of Kindle Unlimited. If I don’t end up buying the book, I’ll get in touch and figure out a way to pay you.

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